Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad
Pair of Milwaukee Road Cab Marker Lights
Lanterns: 2 New Listing Price: $875.00
Anyone out there with a caboose in your backyard! For sale are a pair of restored Milwaukee Road cab marker lanterns. My friend Larry who restored these lanterns has been doing this type of restoration for a very long time. Sadly, he won't be showcasing his craft at shows much longer. Like most of us retired railroader's, he's up in age and selling what's left of the lanterns he's already restored. In retrospect, I wish I had purchased more lanterns from him. The Adams & Westlake Co. (Adlake), which produced the lanterns, is still operating today. To the best of my knowledge, Larry has used all original parts for restoration. As the pictures show, the large oil fonts are new and a new wick has been added. This is truly rare to find a set of any railroads cab marker lights. The lanterns are in great shape and adding oil couldn't be any easier; just slide the door side up. The lanterns weigh 12lbs each; it would be best to ship the lanterns separately. I would need to box one of the lanterns up and do a dry run on the shipping cost. Lanterns are ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Alton Railroad
Lantern: 3 Price: $185.00 $175.00
For sale is a restored Adlake Kero™ brand, Alton Railroad oil lantern. A sad looking mass of steel before restoration, I gave myself two choices: (A) I could try and strip away the paint or (B) paint over. Not sure if stripping the lantern would produce the desired results, I decided to paint over. After all, some people prefer colors. The cage has been de-rusted and oiled where needed. I've applied two primer undercoats of high heat resistant black paint and topped it off with a coat of Rustoleum™ gloss black. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 1/2" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. ALTON is embossed in raised letters on the cap and stenciled in white on the globe. The globe has the Corning™ "C" stamp. The globe has a smoky yellow patina, and when lit, emits a warm-even glow. The globe is in good shape, it has the normal heat pot marks and rim residue. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. A very nice lantern with a lot of history. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Lantern: 5 Price: $425.00 $375.00
For sale is a very rare Baltimore & Ohio-Capitol Globe oil lantern. In raised capitol letters, the brim of the chimney cap is stamped "B&O RR." Made by the Keystone Lantern Co. of Philadelphia, the cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The model name for this particular lantern is "The Casey,"™ which is stamped on the very top of the chimney cap. Similar to Armspear's Steel Guard™ lantern model, the Casey has upper and lower steel guard rings. Along with the slogan "Safety First," the clear globe has the Maryland (others say Ohio) capitol dome embossed on it. The glass globe has the Corning™ "C" stamped logo. The tall globe is in very good condition, and has only a few small pit marks. The brass burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. The lantern couldn't be easier to refill. Squeezing the pressure tab releases the oil font to drop out from the cage bottom. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. With all the other brand name lantern manufacturers of that era, Keystone stands out as one of the rarest. A very nice, well preserved lantern with a lot of history. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Burlington Route Railroad
Lantern: 7 Price: $425.00 $395.00
For sale is a very attractive, and rare Burlington Route oil lantern. Made at the Adams and Westlake foundry, the brand name Reliable™ stands out among the best, thus the name Reliable. "Burlington Route" is embossed on the clear glass globe, and also on the caps' brim. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The lantern's steel burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. The globe is in good shape, it has the normal heat pot marks and rim residue. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a pull-tab style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. A very nice relic that was well taken care of! Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad
aka "The Big Four"
New Listing
Lantern: 8 Price: $225.00
First Time Offering is this great looking Hanland™ Big Four oil lantern. "CCC&St.L RR" is embossed in raised letters on the cap of the chimney, and stenciled on the original Corning™ glass globe. The globe is in great condition with just a few tiny pot marks. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors; cleaned and oiled where needed. The brass burner has been cleaned and a new 3/8" wick installed. This is a very early Hanland with two nifty features. Attached to the cap, the lantern has a steel release/hold bracket for it's handle. Also, you do not have to remove the globe to refill the font; the lantern has a quick release tab and the font drops out from the bottom. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-tab style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. This lantern cleaned-up real good; I doubt I will find another any time soon as nice as this Hanland. In the meantime, I like showing it off on top of my kitchen cabinets. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad
Lantern: 9 Price: $175.00 $165.00
Left to rust from neglect, this Adlake Kero™ C&O lantern, required a lot of elbow work. Once restored, the end results justified the tedious cleaning. "C&O" is embossed in raised letters on the cap of the chimney, and stenciled on the Corning™ glass globe. The red globe is in good condition, it has the usual small pot marks and residue rim lines. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a pull-tab style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. A nice medium size lantern that has many years left. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Chicago-St.Paul-Milwaukee & Omaha Railroad
Lantern: 11 Price: $175.00 $165.00
For sale is an Adlake Kero™ oil lantern from a railroad that had the moniker of "the Granger Line." The Chicago-St.Paul-Milwaukee & Omaha Railroad was chartered in 1880, controlled by the C&NW and eventually added to the UP family of fallen flags. The initials "CMSTP&O RY" are stamped on the brim of the chimney cap. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The lantern has a brass burner and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. The clear globe is unmarked and in good condition. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Globes are interchangable as shown while they last Click here to view: cap | globe | spiral-red
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Canadian National Railroad
Painted in the CNR's locomotive flagship colors
Lantern: 14 Price: $175.00 $165.00
For sale is a Adlake Kero™ CNR oil lantern, painted in the carriers' flagship colors. Because a previous owner had painted the cage a "canary yellow," for this restoration, I decided to stick with paint. The lanterns' cage and chimney have been painted with two coats of Rustoleum™ enamel paint. The color scheme resembles CNR's flagship colors of (red & black), the glass clear globe representing the color "white." CNR is not only embossed in raised letters on the lid of the chimney but is also stenciled "CNR" on the glass globe. The globe has a smoky yellow patina, and when lit, emits a warm-even glow. The globe is in good condition, it has just a few small pot marks and residue rim lines. The lantern has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a pull-tab style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Click here to view: cap | cage | globe
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Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railroad
Lantern: 16 Price: $185.00 $175.00
For sale is an Adlake Kero™ brand, Rock Island oil lantern. A popular railroad among collectors, the Rock Island Flag is embossed on the cap of the chimney. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and the wick adjuster works great. When lit, the red globe radiates a much softer ambience than a clear globe. With a new 7/8" wick installed, this baby will cast off plenty of light if needed! The globe is in good condition, it has just a few small pot marks and residue rim lines. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a pull-tab style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Cincinnati-New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway
SOLD Price: $185.00
For sale is this sharp looking CNOTP (as the line is called) oil lantern. Stamped on the caps' brim is "CNO&TP RY." Made by the Adams and Westlake Co., the cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. The unmarked amber globe, which is in very good condition, complement's the overall appearance of the lantern. Ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Added note: The line opened completely in 1880, and was financed by the city of Cincinnati. Today, the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific is operated by Norfolk Southern as part of the Central Division.
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Chicago & NorthWestern Railway
Lantern: 20 Price: $225.00 $215.00
For sale is a restored Chicago & NorthWestern Railway tall globe oil lantern. Made by the Adams & Westlake Co., the Reliable™ style lantern was manufactured from 1912-1925. "CNW Ry" is embossed on the globe and on the lanterns' chimney cap. Ignored, the lantern cage was in the rust stage and beyond a good cleaning. Many of the gray paints on the market today, have a "glitter" finish. In trying to keep as close as I could to the original metal color, I searched long and hard to find the correct paint. Because of the graffiti artists, Chicago stores cannot sell spray paint. Visiting a Menards in the burbs, I finally found what I believed to be the right paint. After a good brush down, I painted the lanterns cage and chimney with two coats of Rustoleum Hammered Gray™ enamel paint. The brass burner has been cleaned and a new 1/2" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. The glass globe has the normal heat and rim residue marks and is in good condition. The globe also, has the Corning™ "C" stamped logo. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the lid is locked the globe is secure. Ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Click here to view: cap | cage | globe
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Chicago & NorthWestern Railway
Lantern: 21 New Listing Price: $225.00 $215.00
For sale is an original Chicago & NorthWestern Railway tall globe oil lantern. Made by the Adams & Westlake Co., the Reliable™ style lantern was manufactured from 1912-1925 and is the same style as the lantern above-only not painted. It is in just as good condition as it's lantern brother above. "CNW Ry" is embossed on the globe and on the lanterns' chimney cap. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The brass burner has been cleaned and a new 1/2" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. The globe has a smoky yellow patina and, when lit, emits a warm-even glow. The globe has the normal heat pit marks and rim residue marks. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the lid is locked the globe is secure. Ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Click here to view: cap1 | cap2 | cage
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Delaware & Hudson Railroad
Lantern: 24 Price: $165.00 $155.00
For sale is this Adlake Kero™ Delaware & Hudson Railroad oil lantern. Chartered in 1823 but eventually absorbed by the CP, this D&H lantern cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. D&H RR is embossed in small raised leters on the brim of the chimney cap. The globe has the normal heat pot marks and rim residue marks. The red globe complement's the overall apperance of the lantern. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. With proper care this lantern will last many more years. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Erie Railroad
Lantern: 26 Price: $185.00 $175.00
This lantern is almost ninety years old and looks great. Made by the Adams and Westlake Co., the style is a Kero™ 250. "Erie R.R" is embossed in raised letters on the chimney cap. The globe has the Corning™ emblem "C" and Erie R.R is stenciled in white on the glass globe. The globe is in good shape, it has the normal heat pot marks and rim residue. The lantern cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Click here to view: cage | cap | globe
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Erie Railroad
Lantern: 27 New Listing Price: $185.00 $175.00
For sale is another very nice Erie Railroad oil lantern. The diamond "E" logo is stamped on the top of the chimney cap. Made by the Adams & Westlake Co., the cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a 5/8" wick installed. The globe is in good shape, it has the normal heat pot marks and rim residue. The diamond "E" logo is stenciled on the face of the globe and has the Corning™ "C" stamp. The globe has a smoky yellow patina, and when lit, emits a warm-even glow. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Click here to view: cage | cap | globe
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Grand Trunk Western Railroad
Lantern: 29 Price: $185.00 $170.00
For sale is a Grand Trunk Western Railroad oil lantern. Made by the Adams and Westlake Co., the style is a Kero™ 250. "GTW" is clearly embossed in small raised letters on the chimney cap. Embossed on the globe is, "Adlake Kero" and the Corning™ Co."C" stamp. The red globe is in good shape, it has the normal heat pot marks and rim residue. The lanterns' cage was so badly rusted from neglect, I decided to go the paint route. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. I have applied a primer undercoat of black high heat resistant paint and finished it off with a coat of gloss black Rustoleum.™ The lantern sports a new font can, new 5/8" wick and steel burner. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Grand Trunk Western Railroad
Lantern: 30 Price: $185.00 $175.00
A bit younger than the GTW lantern above, but just as nice, is this GTW Adlake Kero™ lantern. "G.T.W." is clearly embossed in small raised letters on the brim of the chimneys' cap. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 1/2" wick installed. The unmarked glass globe has the normal heat and rim marks and is in good condition. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Globes are interchangable as shown while they last. Click here to view: before | cap | cage | globe | globe-red | fresnel-red
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Illinois Central Railroad
Lantern: 32 Price: $275.00 $250.00
For sale is an original Illinois Central Railroad tall globe oil lantern. Made by the Adams & Westlake Co., the Reliable™ style lantern was manufactured from 1912-1925. "IC RR" is embossed on the globe and on the lanterns' chimney cap. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 1/2" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. The glass globe has the normal heat and rim marks and is in very good condition. The globe also, has the Corning™ "C" stamped logo. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the lid is locked the globe is secure. Ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Norfolk & Western Railway
Lantern: 34 Price: $295.00 $275.00
For sale is a handsome looking Norfolk & Western Railway oil lantern. Manufactured by the Armspear Company, this Steel Guard™ model, was named for it's upper flat wire on the top and a round steel wire towards the bottom. "N&W Ry" is stamped on the brim of the chimney cap, and the initials "N&W Ry" embossed in raised letters on the globe. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The tall globe is in very good condition, and has only a few small pit marks. The glass globe also, has the Corning™ "C" stamped logo. The brass burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Nice N&W oldie! Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Added note: Armspear Manufacturing originally began operations as the Railroad Signal Lamp and Lantern Company in the 1880s. Few would deny the ruggedness of the Armspear "Steel Guard" lantern. Among tall-globe lantern manufacturers, Armspear Manufacturing Company made products that were of unusually high quality. Their lantern designs emphasized durability and solid construction, a fact appreciated by collectors who are able to find examples in especially fine condition after decades of use and storage.
Click here to view: cap | cage | globe
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Pennsylvania Railroad
Lantern: 36 Price: $175.00 $165.00
Here's an oil lantern for sale from one of America's beloved lines, the (former) Pennsylvania Railroad.Made by the Adlake Co, this Kero™ oil lantern is in great shape. The PRR flag logo is stamped on the cap of the chimney and stenciled in white on the globe. The glass globe has the normal heat and rim marks and is in good condition. The glass globe also, has the Corning™ "C" stamped logo. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The lantern has a new brass burner and new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a pull-tab style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. A great looking relic that has many more years left. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
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Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Locomotive Dept.
Lantern: 38 Price: $325.00
A rare lantern for sale is this Philadelphia & Reading-Locomotive Department oil lantern. Manufactured by the Armspear Company, this Steel Guard™ model was named for it's upper flat wire on the top and a round steel wire towards the bottom. Most likely used by a roundhouse hostler, the chimney cap is stamped P&R RR-Loco Dept. "P&R Ry" is embossed on the globe. The globe has a smoky yellow patina, and when lit, emits a warm-even glow. The globe is in good shape, it has the normal heat pot marks and rim residue. The lantern remained neglected for many years and because of this idleness, the 1 inch wick (which was too wide for the burner) dryed up to the point you could not raise or lower it. Working carefully for over an hour, I was able to remove all of the old wick. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 3/4" wick installed. The wick adjuster now works great! To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. To refill, the lantern has a release tab and the oil font can drops out easily. A handsome relic, the lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Added note: Armspear Manufacturing originally began operations as the Railroad Signal Lamp and Lantern Company in the 1880s. Few would deny the ruggedness of the Armspear "Steel Guard" lantern. Among tall-globe lantern manufacturers, Armspear Manufacturing Company made products that were of unusually high quality. Their lantern designs emphasized durability and solid construction, a fact appreciated by collectors who are able to find examples in especially fine condition after decades of use and storage.
Globes are interchangable as shown while they last. Click here to view: locomotive-dept. | cap | cage | globe | red-globe
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Southern Railway
New Listing
Lantern: 39 Price: $175.00
For sale is an Southern Railroad tall globe oil lantern. Made by the Adams & Westlake Co., the Reliable™ style lantern was manufactured from 1912-1925. "Southern Ry" is embossed on the globe and on the lanterns' chimney cap. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The steel burner has been cleaned and a new 1/2" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. The glass globe, which is not the original, has the normal heat and rim marks and is in good condition. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the lid is locked the globe is secure. Ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Click here to view: cap
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Southern Pacific Railroad
Painted in the SP's locomotive flagship colors
Lantern: 40 Price: $175.00 $165.00
Although the Adams & Westlake and Armspear lanterns dominated the railroad lantern market of that era, there were other names as well. For sale is this attractive Handlan™ (Handlan-Buck Co.) Southern Pacific Railroad oil lantern. The Handlan was pretty stylish for it's day. Wanting to differentiate itself from the others, is the handsome flat cap and release clips to lower the handle. When locked, the clips hold the handle in a upright position. SP CO. is embossed in raised letters on the brim of the cap. When I purchased the lantern, the cage had been painted a battleship grey, which is one of SP's two flagship colors. I decided to expand on this paint scheme, the lanterns' cage has been painted with a coat of high heat resistant gray primer and topped off with a Rustoleum™ enamel grey. The chimney cap has painted with two coats of Rustoleum™ dark red enamel. The unmarked red globe complement's the overall appearance of the lantern. May I add, a Adlake short Kero™ globes will fit in a Handlan short globe cage. The globe has the normal heat pot marks and rim residue marks. The lantern's steel burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Globes are interchangable as shown while they last. Click here for: primer | cap | cage | clear-globe
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Washington Terminal
Lantern: 42 Price: $195.00 $175.00
Another obscure name in the lantern business of it's time, was the Dressel Railway Lamp Works, which started in the late 1800s. The Dressel Co. is most well known for producing railroad lamps, but also produced a number of style lanterns under its name. Dressel was bought in the 1920s by the F.H. Lovell Company, which was later bought by Adams and Westlake in the 1960s.
For sale is a rare, Dressel make, Washington Terminal Co. oil lantern. Similar to an Armspear, minus the upper flat steel guard ring, the lantern feels like it was made just for your hand. The large steel handle is thicker in size than the Adlake Kero's and for that matter, Armspear as well. May I add, as a switchman, Dressel got it right with the more secure, better made handle for all the obvious reasons. The initials "W.T. Co" are embossed in raised letters on the brim of the chimney cap. The cage has been de-rusted, including the chimney heat deflectors, cleaned and oiled where needed. The lanterns' steel burner has been cleaned and a new 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. The umarked clear globe is in good condition and has the Corning™ "C" stamped logo. May I add, a Adlake short Kero™ globes will fit in a Dressel short globe cage. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a push-bow style unlock. A great looking lantern relic that has many years of service left. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Added note: Washington Terminal Company was established in 1901 by the B&O Railroad and the Pennsy controlled Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad. The WT Co. owned and operated Union Station (opened in 1907) and about 5 miles of track in the Washington area, providing switching services for passenger trains using the station or passing through the area. In 1981, Amtrak took over the terminal company's operations. It currently owns a 99.7% interest in WTC, with the balance held by Amtrak employees.
Globes are interchangable as shown while they last. Click here to view: before | cap | cage
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Union Pacific Railroad
Lantern: 44 Price: $175.00 $165.00
For sale is a very nice looking Union Pacific Railroad oil lantern. As the railroads were slowly placing into service battery style hand lanterns, the Adlake Kero™ No.400 style, was the last in the Kero series to be made at the foundry. "UP" is stamped on the brim of the cap. Too badly rusted but salvagable, the lanterns cage has been painted with a high heat resistant primer and topped off with two coats of Rustoleum Hammered Gray™ enamel paint. Having searched for a very long time, this color gray, is nearest to the original color. The lantern's steel burner has been cleaned and a 5/8" wick installed. The wick adjuster works great. To open the chimney cap, this lantern has a pull-tab style unlock. Once the cap is locked the globe is very secure. This a great looking lantern that has many years of service left. Lantern is ready for immediate use - just add oil!
Globes are interchangable as shown while they last. Click here to view: before1 | before2 | cap | cage | red-globe | fresnel-red
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For Your Information

Lantern pictures as they originally appeared in the 1971 1st Edition of
"Key-Lock & Lantern Magazine"
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Adams & Westlake lantern advertisements circa 1897 catalog

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All lantern sales are final. Last update 08/04/2024